Baptism - Ս. Մկրտութիւն

The Order of Baptism of the Armenian Apostolic Church includes three sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation and the First Communion. Together, they make up one’s initiation into the Armenian Church. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself received baptism and the confirmation of the Holy Spirit when He was baptized by Saint John the Baptist in the Jordan River. By this example, Christ the Lord set a standard by which all individuals can become children of God. The church faithfully and diligently observes Christ’s ordinance to baptize all who want to enter the Kingdom of God.

Baptism Church Service Fees

  • One Child      $250.00

  • Two Children $350.00

  • Deacon           $100.00

  • Pastor             Honorarium

Wedding - Ս. Պսակ

Holy Matrimony is the sacrament by which two baptised Christians enter into a lifelong union by making vows before God and the Church. The couple expresses their mutual love and seeks God's blessing on their union, which is sealed by the Holy Eucharist of Christ.

Required Documents
Before the wedding can be finalized, the following documents must be provided to the church:  The completed wedding application form provided by the church.  Copies of the bride and groom's identification cards.  Copies of the baptismal certificates for the groom, bride, best man, and maid/matron of honor. If any of these individuals belong to the parish and have been baptized at Forty Martyrs Church, their baptismal certificate is not necessary.  Note: All of these individuals must be baptized Christians. If they are not, they must convert to Christianity, start the process to catechism, and receive the sacrament of holy baptism before the wedding.  If the couple belongs to a different parish, their priest must provide a permission letter. In addition, if the parish is of a different Christian denomination, a permission letter from the bishop is also required.  The marriage license. The couple must apply for the license from the county clerk at least 34 days prior to the scheduled wedding date. The couple must send the license to the church office at least three days before the wedding in order to have it ready for signatures on the day of the wedding.

Wedding Fees

  • Wedding Church Service    $350.00

  • Organist & Soloist               $250.00

  • Deacon                                 $100.00

  • Pastor                                   Honorarium

Child Presentation

The Forty Day Child presentation and blessing service is a unique, beautiful tradition that is practiced throughout the Orthodox world. It consists of prayers of joyful thanks for the safe delivery of a mother and a child. The service blesses the mother, who has been absent from the sacramental life of the church for forty days, and formally presents the newborn child to the church family for the first time by bringing the infant into the sanctuary before the altar.

The blessing may be done on the fortieth day of the child’s birth or on the Sunday nearest to the fortieth day. Both the father and the mother must be present for the fortieth day blessing.

In imitation of Christ’s fortieth day blessing (Luke 2:22-38), the parents of the new born bring the baby to the church in order for the child to be dedicated to the Lord. The parents become a symbol of the Virgin Mary and Joseph, while the priest symbolizes Simeon, who held Christ in his arms at the time of the presentation.


The loss of a loved one is an immeasurably difficult experience and our church is prepared to do whatever it can to support you and your family. More importantly, it is a time when we join in solemn prayer to give thanks for the life of your loved one and ask for the Lord’s mercy so that their soul may be guided to the Eternal Kingdom of God.

Funeral Fees

  • Funeral Church Service        $250.00

  • Organist & Soloist                 $200.00

  • Deacon                                    $100.00

  • Pastor                                       Honorarium

Requiem Request

The Requiem Service or Hokehankisd is not only a custom but also a rule of the church. Forty days after the death of a member of the church, a Requiem is offered for the repose of his or her soul.

Prayer Request

“Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

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